Archive for September 24, 2011

Windows 8- Touch The Future!!!!

Posted: September 24, 2011 in Uncategorized

Time for Windows 8….now windows is revealing the greatest User Interface used yet. Microsoft released developer version and within 2 or 3 months Windows 8 will be available for end users. Windows 8  has great capacities and much faster than previous Operating Systems of Windows. Windows 8 takes just half time in comparision to Windows 7 to prepare interface for users. There should be no problem for Windows coz they exactly know what is the need of market and they deliver according to that and other advantage is that Apple isn’t going to launch any new OS as they’ve launched Mac OS X lion earlier.

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Microsoft is now ready to challenge Apple in field of iphones. Intel is with Microsoft to deliver smart devices in market to compete with AMD as it is known that AMD is the company which designs the processor for iphones. Now it will be tough for Apple to maintain their charge in world market of smart mini devices with their iphone coz now Microsoft is ready to take the charge.
Lets see what will happen….Windows  will touch the future or not and if  Windows touches then what will be step of  Apple!!!

Welcome to Windows Trapped.
Here i’ll share some of my infomation about windows customization and password crack tricks on other OS.

In my first post i’m going to tell you that how can you display a security message on screen before user can logon it on Windows Vista…..

Here we go………

Using the Local Security Policy editor, you can turn this feature
on. Follow these steps to activate it on your PC:

  1. Click the Start button, type secpol.msc,
    and press Enter.
  2. When the Local Security Policy editor loads, navigate
    through Local Policies and then Security Options.
  3. Locate the Interactive logon: Message title for users
    attempting to log on policy. Right-click it and select Properties.
  4. On the Local Security Settings tab, type a title that you
    would like to use for your message and click OK.
  5. Locate the Interactive logon: Message text for users
    attempting to log on policy. Right-click it and select Properties.
  6. On the Local Security Settings tab, type your message and
    click OK.
  7. Close the Local Security Policy editor; you are finished.